Congratulations on embarking upon your ETHGlobal journey. This document describes the tools we have available for you to build your application faster using MultiBaas.
The MultiBaas blockchain application server is middleware for the blockchain. You can use it to more easily build decentralized applications (DApps) on one or more blockchain platforms using a REST API, wallet automation, and event queries. To learn more, see What is MultiBaas?
ETHGlobal Plan
For ETHGlobal, we have created a FREE plan type with all the premium features, bells, and whistles available for you to maximise your hackathon time. Go to, create an account, and select the ETHGlobal deployment type on your network of choice.

You will be able to create up to two deployments so, for example, you can use one for testing on the EVM Curvegrid Test Network (faucet included) and one for production on Mainnet.
There are two main approaches to using MultiBaas: 1) creating a new smart contract and 2) accessing an existing smart contract that has already been deployed. You may also need or want to do a combination of both.
Accessing an existing smart contract can help you quickly build an interface into one of the many lucrative As a bonus you will be eligible for our modest prize as well!
Creating a new smart contract
There are a number of ways you can add a smart contract to your MultiBaas deployment, however if you are building and iterating on your contract, we recommend using the
Accessing an existing smart contract
You can also link an existing smart contract that is already deployed on the blockchain. Before linking you will need to add the contract as described above.
Adding ETHGlobal Tokyo Hackathon Sponsor Contracts
Get up and running quickly for the other sponsor prizes using this handy repository:
The features included on the ETHGlobal plan are:
- Event Queries: Enabled
- Multisig Wallet: Enabled
- Hardware Security Module (HSM): Enabled
- API Calls: Lots
- Users: Plenty
- Linked Smart Contracts: A plethora
If you have any questions, keep an eye out for one of our personable team members in red coveralls at the event, visit our Discord channel, or take a look at our documentation page.
How to build a Dapp in 30 minutes!
Sample Dapp from the talk:
Plan Expiry
The special ETHGlobal plan is available from April 14th to April 23rd to get you through the hackathon and then some. Please migrate any important data off your deployment by the end date or contact us for help or to extend or upgrade your plan to keep it going.
This document will be updated with more information during the event.
Free Stuff
P.S. If you want to take a break from hacking and enter to win a red jumpsuit and Japanese snacks, get a free NFT, or grab some stickers, visit or come say hi at our booth 👋