If you’ve been to one of the previous hackathons we’ve judged at, like ETHBogota, you may recall the cheat sheets we shared. Whether you’re a seasoned blockchain developer or new to the world of smart contracts, we’ve designed these guides to help you quickly find reference points and understand key concepts as you build.
The latest version of our Solidity cheat sheet covers essential syntax including the order of precedence of operators, global variables, function visibility specifiers, and modifiers.

Printable Version

If you’re heading to Devcon 7 in Bangkok, come grab a physical copy from us during ETHGlobal Bangkok or find us at future web3 events!
If you’d like a headstart or prefer a digital format, these cheat sheets are available to download and print, perfect for your pre-hackathon prep or as a go-to tool to add to your blockchain development toolkit.
For additional resources, keep an eye out as we release our upcoming hacker guide and tutorial video soon. Got any questions? Chat with us on Discord or Telegram.
Happy hacking!