Photo by Javi on Unsplash
We are pleased to announce the release of Mock3. The purpose of this tool is to aid developers by enabling automated UI tests and thus speeding up the development of DApps. Let's take a closer look.
Here is the normal way to sign transactions.

When signing transactions using MetaMask, developers will likely find themselves repeating this process over and over.

Mock3 will remove this burden by automatically signing transactions on behalf of the developer.

Here is an example of how you might integrate Mock3 into your project. With this configuration, Mock3 would only be used when your application is being tested: in production, you would continue to use your existing web3 provider.
const accounts = await web3.listAccounts();
Hooray! 🎉🎉 Gone are the days of the MetaMask popup during testing.

For more information, please checkout my lighting talk at Devcon 5.Be happy with your DApp!